Lets Be Friends!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Nautical Baby Shower

Last month I went to California to help throw my baby sister a baby shower for her baby boy! Oh Baby!

Because this is the first boy (grandchild) on my side so my mom wanted to go all out and do a lovely nautical theme. She decorated every thing to match the theme, she even chose that tablecloth because it looks like water ! Some of the things used were: netting, rocks, HANDMADE paper boats made from Trader Joes bags, candles and seashells.

  Here is one of the handmade boats. Each one lovingly folded by hand and glued into place. The sails were also cut out by hand and glued to a toothpick sail in the middle of the boat.

Here is the table you would see as you first walked in. There were pens and envelopes to have each guest write their address down to make thank you cards easier. There were also lifesaver bracelets that were used to play a game. Who ever caught someone else say "baby, boy or brother" was able to take a bracelet from the person who said it. The person at the end with the most bracelets at the end won!

   Mom found nautical print fabric and used fabric bond to make these sweet onesies for the baby. She also used whale appliqués to add a little more.

Another thing my mom has a talent for is watermelon carving. She does them for almost every occasion and always uses them as thecenterpiece at her events.

The cupcakes were made by my sister-in-law Marina. She had my brother design the topper and we cut them out and glued them to toothpicks to top these stunning cupcakes. Didn't she do an amazing job? She's basically a professional cupcake specialist. I had a fantastic time helping out with this shower. If you have questions/comments I'd love to answer them!!!

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