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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Top 10 Disneyland Rides for Babies & Toddlers

A lot of people will tell you to wait until your child is old enough (to remember) before taking them to Disneyland. I strongly disagree. Taking them before then is just as fun and they are FREE until age 3, so why not I say!?

Here is my Top 10 list of attractions to enjoy at Disneyland with your bundle of joy! 

10. Mr. Toads Wild Ride

This ride is a winding little ride that follows the story of Mr. Toad. It does have black and strobe lights, both of which didn't bother my daughter.

9. Finding Nemo Submarine

This ride is perfect for fish loving toddlers! They will be able to point out and identify their favorite friends from Finding Nemo. There are movie clips in this ride that my daughter loved. As a side note, it does get a bit loud as each window has its own speaker.

8. Jungle Cruise

Jungle cruise is always a fun one for kids. There are lots of "interactive" animals to see and the tour guides are always hilarious. There is a loud gun shot on this ride, but none of the kids seemed to care about it.

7. Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters                                                                    
This ride is one of my personal faves. It would have been higher up on the list, except its not as easy to do with a baby in hand. You can still sit and shoot things with the laser gun, but there is also a joystick for turning the pod around which is useless unless you happen to be blessed with a third hand.

6.  Peter Pans Flight

This ride is one of the most adorable rides in Disneyland. I love how it is designed kind of like a ski lift so you are able to see everything beneath you. The only thing I didn't like is how short the ride is.

5. King Arthur's Carousel

Classic carousel, round and round she goes. This ride gives you a 360 degree view of fantasy land.

4. Haunted Mansion

Although this ride may be too scary for those kids that realize what being scared is, it wasn't too scary for my little one. I really enjoy this ride and was pleasantly surprised that I was able to enjoy it without any tears form my babe. 

3. Pirates of the Caribbean 

This is another one of my favorites! I think my daughter actually loved this ride (a girl after my own heart!) Something to note, this ride does have a couple of drops. Its obviously safe to ride on with an infant but incase you didn't know, now you know.

2. Dumbo The Flying Elephant

This ride was so amazing! I think most kids enjoy flying high with Dumbo and being able to control going up or down.

 1. Tea Cups 

 I have this as my number one ride because my daughter (at 7 months) was smiling and laughing the entire time! Don't worry, I did spin the ride to give everyone the authentic experience. But if you just wanted to ride around its not too much spinning on its own. 

So that would be my list. I hope you enjoyed it and if you have questions about Disneyland with an infant feel free to leave a comment.

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