Lets Be Friends!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Office Makeover

  Before and After!

Our home office was one of the first areas that we "furnished" when we initially brought this home. "Furnished" meaning: filled the room with the biggest furniture that $500 could buy. As time went on I focused on other rooms in our home, almost suddenly it was four years later and I looked in this room and realized, "Oh no-no. All this gots to go." (Snap, snap for dramatic effect)

You might want to write this down: The first thing I did was tape off the wall,  window, ceiling and floorboards. Then I threw old sheets everywhere, this part is very important unless of course, you're wanting to replace the carpet too.

The first thing I painted was the ceiling, I just used basic ceiling paint. Then I painted the other walls a lighter color in the same pallet. 

Using my silhouette cutting machine, I created a stencil and penciled in the design for the accent-part of the wall. I traced the area first and then stenciled them far enough away from each other that I wouldn't get wet paint smudges. I did A LOT of touching up by hand.

It obviously needs a few more final touches as far as the decorating go but I was way too excited not to post this right away. Enjoy!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I hope I'm more productive now :)

  2. Love it, you're amazing at detail I'll have to come see it in person.

  3. The "all this gots to go" comment killed me! Too too funny!

    The room looks fantastic! I am definitely loving the stencil wall as well! Should we expect a post on how to keep your office this organized? lol

    1. Its good to hear I'm not the only one laughing, not that its uncommon or anything...

      And I believe I could do an office organization post... Stay tuned

  4. I LOVE this office transformation. And that stencil makes my heart happy each time I've seen it. I have a similar stencil on a kitchen wall, though yours has cleaner lines. So pretty though!

    1. Thank you so much! I really love this room!!!

  5. I really love the wall detail. The whole thing is gorgeous but that really pulls it all together!
