Lets Be Friends!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one of the only holidays that isn't about giving gifts, its all about family, friends and of course, great food. This year was a little unique because we weren't able to visit my family out-of-state, instead we hosted a turkey feast at our place with our friends. With my right-hand woman Melanie and I in the kitchen (killing it) and I have to admit it was one of the most delicious feasts to date! 

Because there were only four adults here we kept the menu to a minimum (mostly to ensure time to make everything. And yes, it is all made from scratch!) Attached are links to each recipe for you to save for next year. 

This year, I am so thankful to have good friends surrounding me, good health, a safe home for my family, an amazing husband to share forever with, to feel my Heavenly Fathers love for me as an individual, for the examples of others being good/doing good, and I'm also so grateful for each one of you who read, follow, like and comment and totally support me. I love you all so much!

Happy Thanksgiving,
Xo, Chelsey


  1. The place settings are gorgeous! That's not my families tradition but I was telling my husband that when we start hosting thanksgiving I want to do that.

    1. Thank you so much Kristin! I think place settings are a lost art for sure. I love hearing that you want to start that tradition. Its obviously harder with more than 8 people, but you can also practice at smaller dinner parties :)
