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Thursday, August 15, 2013

10 Things To Know About Permanent Cosmetics

Permanent eyeliner is not as scary as it sounds. If you go to a competent professional, you should have a good experience and be able to leave with less to do makeup wise. I had my permanent eyeliner done originally 8 years ago and I have loved every minute of it! Then it was time for a touch up. Here are some photos from the day I had this procedure, pardon my sad looking lash extensions.
1. Permanent makeup can cause infections. 
According to board-certified dermatologist and founder of Art of Dermatology, Dr. Jessica Krant, permanent makeup is a real, invasive procedure that carries the same risks as regular tattoos. Infections can be transmitted not only from the needle itself, but from the ink too. “Recently, there have been a lot of reports in the news about tattoo inks arriving sealed from the factory with bacteria that are difficult to diagnose and treat.” So readers, beware.
2. Just because it’s cheap doesn’t mean it’s good.
Always do your homework and don’t just go to anyone. Check references, look at photos of thier work, ask a friend where they had theirs done. You get what you pay for!
3. Natural is the way to go.  
 “Most patients don’t care for drastic changes, but if you’re thinking of getting something trendy (like green eyeliner) permanently tatted on you, you might want to reconsider,” says permanent makeup pro and Intradermal Cosmetic Technician, Ashley Swain. “It’s best to go with a more natural look instead.”
4. Always ask for before and after photos.
When you go in for a consultation, ask a ton of questions and request to see before and after photos, advises Arnold-Runish. “Anyone that is good at tattooing your face should be proud to show you his or her work.” 

5. If you don’t feel comfortable, leave.
If you don’t feel comfortable with the technician or the facilities that she is working out of, leave, recommends Arnold-Ronish. “I can’t tell you how many people come to me to fix their makeup and confess that they really didn’t feel comfortable from the start at the other place but felt too embarrassed to leave. Remember, this is your face and it is permanent.” 
6. It may hurt a little. 
Yes the area around your little eyes will be numbed (Or should be!) But in case you’re a low pain tolerance kind of gal, keep in mind there may be a few places that will be uncomfortable until the numbing gel fully kicks in
7. Your makeup will fade.
Don’t forget that over time, and with the elements your face is exposed to, there will be some natural fading. Here are a few things that will keep your makeup looking better longer, according to Dr. Krant. 
  • Apply sunscreen before you leave the house every day, at least an SPF of 45.
  • Avoid any exfoliates on your face over the makeup area.
  • If you are in a pool or the ocean, use Vaseline over your makeup to protect it from fading fast.
  • You’ll have to touch it up every 5-10 years  
8. It’s not very easy to get rid of.
Hate your permanent makeup? Bad news: laser tattoo removal isn’t that reliable, requires multiple treatments, and generally only fades tattoos at best, rather than completely removing them, points out Krant. “To make matters even more complicated, it’s not always safe to laser around your eyes, or the eyelids.
9.  Don’t have lash extensions on when you go.
I had just had my lash extensions filled a few days before I had my eyeliner redone and I wished I hadn’t. Almost 75% came out during the service! Also, wait two weeks until after the procedure to have them put back on. This will give you eyes time to heal.
10.  It makes your life easier.
Hate your running makeup when you swim or swear? Good news: tattoos don’t run! Shower, go swimming or spray your face with a hose that stuff is staying on!



  1. Great points! We should be reminded of the pros and cons of having permanent eyeliner, or any other permanent cosmetics. It's best to talk with professionals when you're planning to engage in one. Anyway, I love your fifth tip. It's easy to find another facility that can give you comfort and the best care. Thanks for the share! :)

    Emily Ross @ AgelessLaserCentres.com
